Some international couriers continue to experience shipping delays.
    We recommend you buy early and in bulk to avoid the impact of these delays.

    *** CELEBRATING 25 YEARS!!! ***
    For 25+ years, we've been supporting a Healthy Body, Strong Spirit and Clear Mind!
    Providing superior quality medicinal mushroom supplements
    to customers in 74 countries around the world.

  • Buy More & SAVE Big!

    Learn how ⇨

  • Our 5 varieties of Medicinal Mushrooms are Potent Natural Immune Boosters

  • Cordyceps Is The Elixir Of Life Medicinal Mushroom From MediMushrooms
    Lions Mane Is The Brain Power Booster Medicinal Mushroom From MediMushrooms
    Maitake Is The King Of Medicinal Mushrooms From MediMushrooms
    Reishi Is The Medicinal Mushroom Of Immortaility From MediMushrooms
    Shiitake Is The Smartest Of All Medicinal Mushrooms From MediMushrooms
  • Dr Alla's Medicinal Mushrooms

    Have been used to support a life of health and wellness by people from around the globe including
    Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States of America.

  • Over 4000 Years of Oriental Traditional Medicine

    100% Natural Dietary Supplements
    with Immune-Boosting and Immunomodulating Properties

  • Client Testimonials

    Here's a sample of what people are saying about our products and our service.

  • Dear Dr Alla,

    Great news at the quarterly check up Dr Alla. No new tumours!

    At last a zero after 18 months. Phew.

    So at the 11th hour....no chemo necessary and next check postponed.. now 6 months not 3.

    Pretty good hey. I am feeling really well.

    Yay. Great energy. Never felt better! Seriously.

    Just wanted to share that with you.

    Thanks for all your support, Nigel

  • Dearest Dr Alla,

    I am so forever grateful for your continuous support and helpful advices on healthy food and supplements. Ever since I started taking your mushrooms I feel so much-much better!

    I can now focus on my puzzles, crosswords, can now handle long walks and even got back to gardening. I have enough energy again to do all the house chores and not feel exhausted half way through the day.

    My life in general has improved and I really feel good! My girlfriends and family are happy for me and, of course, I do tell them about the “magical” mushrooms I get from you.

    I like opening the capsules and emptying then into my smoothies or yogurt as you suggested and I find that this is good when I don’t feel like swallowing capsules. Also your list of recommended foods for cancer patients is really helping me a lot, it’s easy to follow.

    God bless you and thank you for your support and your products.

    With much love, N. W.

  • My very dear Dr Alla.

    Thank you so much for your extensive research about my problems and the recommendations. Your help is invaluable.

    I feel much more energetic, sleep much better, my appetite is back, my memory has definitely improved and overall, I feel very good since starting taking your medicinal mushrooms.

    Also the blood pressure seems to be now under control, which is just marvellous. It is a huge comfort for me to be able to discuss my health issues at length. You always seem to have the time for me. Thank you.

    I tell everyone about you and your great mushrooms supplements. I feel blessed to have you for advice and support.

    Warmest wishes, C. K.

  • Dear Dr. Alla,

    I will try to cut the story short. M. escaped the knife!!!

    About a month after sending you an email he was called back into hospital for 3 days of tests/CT scan and then the op. on the Thursday. In the meantime, he visited a place where the doctor takes samples of blood and brings them up on the screen and diagnoses from there. Plus blood pressure, urine testing.

    We have been going to this clinic for years on and off. M. had a glowing report re his cells - thanks to our mushrooms etc. and Dr. Alla. Blood pressure etc. was fine.

    With much gratitude for your advice and help, contributing to our well-being.

    J & M

  • Hi Dr Alla,

    Firstly, a huge thank you for the awesome products you sell, and the great service I receive from purchasing from you time and time again.

    I have been buying the Shitake, Maitake and Reishi for my dog, who had his spleen removed due to cancer nearly 3 years ago.

    I can only assume that having him on these mushrooms has been a huge factor in him still being alive and happy, nearly 3 years after our vet said he would be lucky to make it 12 months. At nearly 12 years old he is a happy old man, and I am very thankful for every day we get to share together!

    I would like to buy some more for me as well.

    Many thanks in advance, A. J.

  • Hi Dr Alla,

    I have been taking many different mind supplements regularly for some time now, and the latest one I have found is the Lions Mane mushroom.

    This one seems most exciting, and could hardly believe that someone such as yourself was operating a business like yours right in NZ!

    Much prefer to buy from you... speed, economics, point of contact etc.

    Many thanks, L. C.

  • Hi Dr Alla,

    I am pleased to report that there has definitely been an improvement in memory function from the Lions Mane and Reishi mushrooms. My partner J. has also noticed the difference.

    I have taken the liberty of sharing this information to those in need… as Your products are very good.

    Please note, I would like another three of each of the above two types.

    Thanks again, P & K

  • Dear Dr Alla,

    Just wanted to keep you in the loop on my husband’s progress.

    His CEA has dropped a lot since he was first diagnosed. We are not relying on this totally but we are encouraged that the inflammation levels in his body are diminishing. His liver test has shown up this time but guess we have to expect that given the metastasis there.

    His oncologist at Auckland hospital is very happy and said these blood results would only be seen in about 5% of his patients. So we know we are not out of the woods by a long shot but his odds look reasonable now as he is responding well.

    So the combination of your mushroom therapy (30) a day plus the aloe arborescens and salvestrols seem to be effective. So my thanks for your input and your wonderful product.

    Kind regards, L & A